
Application packaging and deployment

Directory Structure

The first step in making a package is to make a working directory to contain your package contents. You'll place copies of any files and directories that belong in your package into this working directory, along with the metadata for your package. Generally you should automate this process so that members of your team can easily build the package. The working directory should be temporary, i.e. your package build process should make the working directory, copy files into it, make the package, and remove the working directory. We'll use /tmp/mypackage in our example.

mkdir /tmp/mypackage

Packages can contain "relocatable" or "non-relocatable" files. When you use tpkg it has a "base" directory where it stores its own state and where it installs files by default. The base directory is /opt/tpkg by default. However, files may need to be installed in a specific location if there are hard-coded references to them. In that case they should be packaged as non-relocatable. Within your working directory relocatable files go into a reloc directory, non-relocatable files go into a root directory. As a best practice packages should only contain one or the other. A package with non-relocatable files can't really be relocated so it doesn't make sense for it to also contain relocatable files.

mkdir /tmp/mypackage/reloc


mkdir /tmp/mypackage/root

If, for example, you create /tmp/mypackage/reloc/bin/mybin it will be installed in /opt/tpkg/bin/mybin by default. If you create /tmp/mypackage/root/usr/sbin/mysbin it will be installed in /usr/sbin/mysbin.

Permissions and Ownership

The permissions files in your working directory will be captured when the package is made, and restored when the package is installed. The ownership will be default to root. If you want more granular control, you can specify the desired default permissions and ownership, and/or the permissions and ownership for individual files in the package metadata (see below).


The metadata for your package consists of information like the package name, version, description, dependencies, etc. With the initial release of tpkg, this information is contained in a tpkg.yml. The tpkg.yml file should be at the top of your package directory structure, /tmp/mypackage/tpkg.yml in our example.

Note: older versions of tpkg supported a tpkg.xml file as an alternative to tpkg.yml. The XML format has been deprecated and should not be used for any new packages.

Metadata Example

Here's an example of a minimal but functional tpkg.yml file:

name: mypkg
version: 1.0
description: mypkg provides gee-whiz and fizz-bat functionality

Name, version, maintainer and description are the only required items. Any of the other tpkg.yml items described below are optional.

Metadata Reference

The format of tpkg.yml is as follows:

name: Name

Name of the package.

version: Version

Version of the software in the package. Versions consist of numbers or strings separated by dots, and must begin with a digit. I.e. "1", "1.0", "5.4.6" and "5.4.6a" are all valid versions, while qa.1.2 or a.b are not. Our version comparison routine should handle just about any version format. I.e. "5.10" is greater than "5.9", "2.6" is greater than "2.5.1", "5.9b" is greater than "5.9a", and "5.10a" is greater than "5.9b".

Note: With yaml, 5.10 is the same as 5.1 (numerically speaking). So if you want to explicitly define your version as a "5.10" string, then you need to put quotes around it.

package_version: Package version

Optional: in the event that the package represents software with its own version number this can be used to specify multiple revisions of the package for a given upstream version. I.e. say you are packaging version 7.21.2 of curl. You would set version to 7.21.2 and package_version to 1. You distribute that package to some systems then notice an error in your tpkg.yml. You fix that error and increment package_version to 2, but version remains 7.21.2 because it is still the same version of curl. The package version has the same format as the version field.

maintainer: Maintainer

The package's maintainer(s). The use of an email address or URL is recommended so that users can get more information if needed.

operatingsystem: [OS]

Optional. If this item is not specified, the package is assumed to work on all operating systems. If specified, [OS] needs to be an array of 1 or more elements. Examples of recognized values:

  • [RedHat-4, RedHat-5, CentOS-4, CentOS-5]
  • [FreeBSD-7]
  • [Solaris-5.10]
  • [Darwin-10.5] (Mac OS X)

Note: YAML requires a space after each comma in a list. I.e. [RedHat-4, RedHat-5] is valid, [RedHat-4,RedHat-5] is not.

architecture: [Arch]

Optional. If this item is not specified, the package is assumed to work on all architectures. If specified, [Arch] needs to be an array of 1 or more elements. Examples of recognized values:

  • [i686, x86_64] (32-bit and 64-bit Linux)
  • [i386] (32-bit FreeBSD)
  • [i86pc] (Solaris x86)
  • [sun4u] (Solaris UltraSPARC)

Note: YAML requires a space after each comma in a list. I.e. [i686, x86_64] is valid, [i686,x86_64] is not.

description: Description

Free-form description of package.

bugreporting: Bugreporting info

Optional, free-form info about where and how to report bugs against the package. The use of an email address or URL is recommended.

  - name: dep1
    minimum_version: 1.0
    maximum_version: 2.0
    minimum_package_version: 0
    maximum_package_version: 10
    native: true
  - name: dep2
    minimum_version: 1.3
    maximum_version: 2.1
  - name: dep3
    allowed_versions: 1.4.*

The dependencies section is optional, and dependency may be specified 0 or more times to indicate dependencies on other packages. The minimum and maximum versions are all optional. The highest version of the package found which otherwise meets the requirements will be used. The optional native tag indicates a base system dependency. Tpkg will use your operating system's packaging tools (rpm/yum, dpkg/apt, etc.) to query and install native dependencies. Dependencies without the native flag refer to other tpkgs.

The allowed_versions tag allows you to specify version dependency as wildcard. In the example above, any version of dep3 that begins with 1.4 will satisfy the dependency requirement.

Note: There is a difference between minimum_version and minimum_package_version, and likewise maximum_version and maximum_package_version. See the descriptions of version and package_version above if you're uncertain about the distinction.

  - name: dep1
    minimum_version: 1.0
    maximum_version: 2.0
    minimum_package_version: 0
    maximum_package_version: 10
    native: true
  - name: dep2
    minimum_version: 1.3
    maximum_version: 2.1

The conflicts section is optional, and conflict may be specified 0 or more times to indicate conflicts with other packages. The name, minimum_version, maximum_version, minimum_package_version, maximum_package_version are identical to how they are used in the dependencies section.

  - name: user
    data: myuser
  - name: nfs
    data: |
      local  -ro,nosuid  mynfs:/export/local
  - name: sysctl

The externals section is optional. The default set of externals scripts does simple things like run the useradd program when a user is requested and groupadd when a group is requested. The externals scripts are easily customized to interact appropriately with your environment. The externals feature is used in the tpkg author's environment as a way for packages to request operating system configuration from our OS configuration management system Etch, including accounts, NFS mounts, kernel settings, etc. See OS configuration via etch.

      owner: root
      group: root
      perms: 0444
    - path: path/to/file
      encrypt: {}
        owner: root
        group: root
        perms: 0400
    - path: path/to/file2
        precrypt: true
        algorithm: aes-128-cbc
        owner: root
        group: root
        perms: 0400
    - path: etc/init.d/myinit1
      init: {}
    - path: etc/init.d/myinit2
        start: 90
        levels: [2, 3, 4, 5]   <--- must have spaces in between. YAML is whitespace sensative
    - path: etc/init.d/myinit3
        start: 90
        levels: []
    - path: etc/cron.d/mycron
      crontab: {}
    - path: etc/crond.d/myothercron
        user: somebody
    - path: dir1/myconf
      config: true

Describes permissions and ownership to assign to the files in the package. Optional, as files will be given the permissions and ownership they possess in the tarball if not specified, and packages may contain no files (i.e. a metapackage that exists merely to express dependencies).

The encrypt field requests that the file be encrypted with a symmetric encryption algorithm (aes-256-cbc by default). You will be prompted for a passphrase when you make the package and a passphrase when you install the package. You will be able to install the unencrypted files in a package without the passphrase. If the encrypt field includes the "precrypt" flag, then the file is assumed to already be encrypted. It will be included in the package as-is, but decrypted at install time. This allows you to store the already encrypted file in your revision control system. You can encrypt files with openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -salt -in <unencryptedfile> -out <encryptedfile>. All precrypt files in a package must be encrypted with the same passphrase. Files marked as precrypt are copied as-is into the package, so you won't need the passphrase to make the package. In addition to encrypting files, tpkg allows users to specify a directory as the path value. In this case, tpkg will encrypt ALL the files that are inside that directory. This feature does not work with the precrypt flag.

The init field indicates that the file is an init script. The init script is expected to follow Unix convention and respond to the arguments of start, stop, restart, reload and status. Here's a sample init script. The scripts will be hooked into the system init process. The default settings for the runlevels in which the init script should be run (on systems that support that sort of thing) and the point in the init process the script should run will be applied if you specify an empty element like "myinit1" in the example above. Although the defaults are fine for most users, within the init section you can specify at what point in the init process the init script should run, and in what runlevels it should run. In this example above, "myinit2" would be linked into /etc/rc2.d, rc3.d, etc. as S90myinit2. If levels is specified as empty (e.g myinit3) the init script will not be linked into any runlevels. This is useful if you want to specify an init script so that you can manually start the app via tpkg start foo but don't want the app to start automatically at boot time.

The crontab flag indicates that the file is a crontab. On systems that support the /etc/cron.d style of crontabs (like Red Hat and CentOS) that mechanism will be used by default, which means that you can specify the user to run the job as and the address to email output to, on a per-job basis within the file. You don't specify them to tpkg. On systems that don't support the /etc/cron.d mechanism then you must specify a user and tpkg will append your crontab to that user's crontab file (and remove it if the package is removed). Here's an example crontab for systems that support /etc/cron.d style crontabs, and an example crontab for other systems.

Notes: The above example is for a relocatable package. If you are making a root package (files are in /root/opt/tpkg) then you need to specify the full path to the file. For example, you will need to specify the following path for the "myinit1" script

- path: /opt/tpkg/etc/init.d/myinit1

The config field indicates that the file is a configuration file. When removing a package, if a configuration file has been modified, tpkg will not remove that file. When installing a package, if the configuration file already exists, tpkg will save the new file as filename.tpkgnew. This approach allows users to upgrade packages and not have the new packages overwrite their modified configuration files.

Scripts: preinstall, postinstall, preremove, postremove

If you include any of these scripts in your package they will be run at the appropriate point in package installation/removal. These scripts need to be at the same level as your tpkg.yml file and reloc|root dir. An example path is /tmp/mypackage/preinstall. The scripts can be written in any language you like as long as they will run on any box on which your package might be installed. Be sure they are executable. If the preinstall or preremove script fails the operation (install/remove) will be aborted. If the postinstall or postremove script fails a warning will be shown but the operation will continue.

The TPKG_HOME environment variable will be set with the tpkg base directory, /opt/tpkg by default, in the environment when your scripts are executed. This allows your scripts to adjust paths as necessary, particularly for relocatable packages.

Setting env variables

Notes: Currently, this feature is only supported on Red Hat Linux, Debian and Solaris

If you want your package to set certain env variables, set up your package to create a script inside /opt/tpkg/etc/profile.d. Inside this script, set the env variables that you want to set. For example, with my jdk package, I've created a script inside /opt/tpkg/etc/profile.d that does export JAVA_HOME=where_my_pkg_is_installed. This will set the JAVA_HOME env variable for all the users.

Making the Package

Run tpkg --make /tmp/mypackage. The name of the resulting package file will be displayed.

Optionally, you can choose to compress the package via the --compress option. For example:

tpkg -m /tmp/mypackage --compress  # defaults to gzip
tpkg -m /tmp/mypackage --compress=gzip
tpkg -m /tmp/mypackage --compress=bz2
tpkg -m /tmp/mypackage --compress=no  # Disable compression


  • The compression feature assumes that you have gzip or bzip2 installed in your PATH.
  • This feature was introduced in version 1.20. So it will not work if you're trying to install a compressed package using an older tpkg client.


Remove your working directory

Pushing Your Package To The Distribution Servers

This assumes that you have already set up a package server and a reporting server.

There are two ways for pushing out your packages to the servers: using the web browser, or using the tpkg_uploader CLI tool.

  • Using web browser
    • Go to http://where_your_reporting_server_is_installed/uploads/new
    • Select and upload your package file
  • Using tpkg_uploader
    • Get the script from here:
    • This script assumes you have curl installed on your machine
    • Edit the script, set the appropriate values for authentication_url and tpkg_upload_url. They should be http://where_your_reporting_server_is_installed/login and http://where_your_reporting_server_is_installed/uploads/create
    • run tpkg_uploader -f file_you_want_to_upload
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